Messages from Your Angels – Doreen Vitue

Messages from Your Angels – Doreen Vitue


SKU: WA0001

This card deck makes it even easier than ever to give an amazingly accurate angel reading for yourself or others. Each card has a gorgeous angel painting, along with a message. The messages are specific and to-the-point, which makes for angel readings that have specific details and guidance. The cards assist people to know what their life purpose is, whether someone is their soulmate or not, what to do about their job, where they live, and other important life questions. These cards were created by Doreen upon her actual angel readings, using the most frequently asked questions and angelic answers, this has created the ultimate card deck for beginners and the advanced card reader.

44 Cards 10.5 cm x 7.5 cm. PLEASE NOTE  – NO BOOKLET INCLUDED. Booklet to be downloaded by scanning the QR code on the back of the pack.Cards 10 cm x 5 cm. Booklet to be downloaded

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